아티스트 송광익

소리가 소리를 부르듯 선은 선을 불러 늘어선다. 때로는 빗금으로 때로는 수직선으로 그렇게 손은 그 재료가 가진 물성으로부터 있음의 본연한 모습을...

Fine Art

Artist Song,Kwang_ik

송광익(ARTIST SONG KWANG IK)작가의 작업은 한지(KOREA PAPER) 뒤, 배면(背面)을 통해 우러나오는 미감이다. 한지원판에 다채로운 색채의 선을 그려 넣거나, 접어 만들거나, 중간 중간 색깔의 농도를 조절한 농담(濃淡)을 통한 은근한 맛은 한국인의 끈끈한 저력처럼 웅숭깊게 각인된다.

Fine Art


모든 우주존재는 긴밀히 연결되어 있는 것인가. 산 너머 산 그 산 너머의 바다, 출렁이는 물결위에 떠가는 조각배에 새겨진 한 송이 꽃…. 본디 하나의 생명성에서 피어난 것처럼 화면엔 접은 한지의 패턴(pattern)과 색채들이 잇대어져 있다.

Fine Art


한지를 통한 우주의 숨과 열림의 확장을 통해 생명성의 승화를 응축해 내고 있는 한지화가 송광익 화백

Fine Art

Arist Song Kwangik

By applying or scattering paint on paper, Song Kwangik’s artworks resemble a sense of nature and history. Hanji, or Korean paper is made from the inner bark of paper mulberry; such material preserves the energy of wind and sunlight that engenders life. Song has a unique technique in using hanji: He first applies paint to the back of the paper in order to revive its serenity and plainness; furthermore, he respects nature by preserving the less saturated areas of hanji that is due to the natural entanglement of plant fiber, rather than filling them with paint. In this vein, Song sees materials more than mere lifeless objects.

When Song decides his artistic direction and execution, he devotes both consciousness and body to his work. In other words, Song becomes selfless and dissolves in his creative process; while the spiritual, temporal and spatial elements gradually interweave and become part of his delicate works. In Song’s artworks, every piece of hanji resonates with each other and thus creates unique vibrations between the gaps; while depending on one’s viewpoint and exhibition space, the multiple layers of hanji transform into infinite lines and planes.

Song Kwangik (b.1950) studied at Graduate Seminar Art College at Kyushu Sangyo University in Fukuoka, Japan; and holds B.F.A. and Ed.A. degrees from Keimyung University in Daegu, Korea. His works are recently exhibited in Tong-in Auction Gallery (Seoul, 2017-18), Gallery Shilla (Daegu, 2015), and Bongsan Cultural Centre (Daegu, 2014); he also participated in many group exhibitions in Japan and Korea. In 2013, Song received the prestigious 27th Kumbok Cultural Prize from Kumbok


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