계절의 향기 
계절의 순회 끝에 꽃들이 다시 돌아오듯이 그 계절을 꽃 속에서 미세한 변화를 찾아보고 오늘을 맞이한다. 꽃의 오묘하고 아름다운 선을 찾아 형상화하는 과정에서 표면적으로 조형성뿐 아니라 내면의 감성까지 담아내고자 한다.
#D-3102 Susung APT Daewoo Trumpworld, 105 Dusan-dong Suseong-gu, Daegu City, Korea Tel: 82-10-5525-6242
E-mail) manong410@hotmail.com manong40@hanmail.net
Homepage : http://kangheeyoung.artko.kr
Fragrance of Season 
As for me, flowers in works are nature, vitality, and life itself, so I have done consistent working with the subject matter, flowers in order to include eternity in not changed beauty. As flowers come back by seasonal cycle, so I seek for delicate change of the season in flowers, and mark today. In the process of finding out and figuring the subtle and beautiful lines of flowers, I strive to express the physical figurativeness and internal sentiment, where the static expression of flowers drawn with delicate drawing is cool, elegant, and orderly, but on one hand, it is sensitive, and lyric, leading us to deep aftertaste and sympathy. Looking at flower clusters, we find many resemblances to many shapes of human groups, so feel humanity in them. The meaning of a fan in Korea extends best regards in a hot summer weather. So I work adding eternity containing flowers to the fan considering man's mind.